
Our #YoungEntrepreneurs Program: Training Our Teenagers to Solve Problems in a Creative Way

+Wings of Love, Inc. | Press Release L OS ANGELES, CA.- Some people use to ask us why did we decide to support young entrepreneurs, instead of focus our charitable actions to rescue people from the streets or any other destitute groups, in order to relieve their suffering. We've explained that although there are hundreds of nonprofit organizations in the United States committed to altruism, one of the greatest humanitarian gestures to ease collective hardships, and we've been done our part for almost two decades; it is time to prevent social vulnerability by training our teenagers to solve problems in a creative way. Businessman and presidential candidate Donald Trump wrote in his book Time to get though: Making America #1 Again: "One of my favorite parts of business is seeing how work transforms people into better, more confident, more competent individuals." Early in February 2016, the secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton menti

Wings of Love, Inc. Joined to Crowdfunding Network

+Wings of Love, Inc. | Press Release L OS ANGELES, CA.- Wings of Love, Inc. joined to the Australian Crowdfunding Network to begin an international fundraising campaign for its Young Entrepreneurs under 21 Program. You can donate for our Young Entrepreneurs under 21 Program with your PayPal account from Chuffed at this LINK   -- our profile page in -- or you can directly donate in our official website: . Contact us at our site for more information about this nonprofit program.

Global Cures, a New Hope for Cancer Patients

+Wings of Love Inc. L ora Freeman Williams, health writer, speaker and entrepreneur based in Massachusetts, recently became a Cancer patients' advocate after she experienced the hard path of illness. She's doing very well in her recovery journey, and one of her good news is that she joined the U.S.-based not-for-profit, Global Cures . The Wings of Love, Inc. nonprofit organization is spotting Lora's and Global Cures' commitment to offer a new hope for Cancer patients. Their site provides free information to cancer patients on science based off-label medications, supplements, lifestyle and dietary recommendations to improve cancer outcomes and prolong life. Lora is inviting to share this information with anyone you know who may be fighting cancer. Lora Freeman Williams said: "I can quite enthusiastically say that finding that organization helped me to find hope and empowerment, and I'm happy to share that resource with anyone who might find it

Holistic Retirement Community in Mexico - Crowdfunding Project

+Wings of Love, Inc.  | Press Release L AS VEGAS, NV.- Some American Young Entrepreneurs contacted the Wings of Love, Inc .'s Public Relations team to present a nonprofit project to build a Holistic Retirement Community for old people in a peaceful mini-village at the southern area of Mexico City. The idea is to provide seniors from the North American region a nice place to live in a safe, naturist way. Rich people have their resorts to spend vacations and retirement time -- said one of these entrepreneurs, but middle class and less favored persons do not. So this place would be sponsored by donors interested in grandparents who can not afford luxurious resorts, but they deserve a new way of life, according to the project's developers. The entrepreneurs mentioned they do not want to publicly disclose their identities before the project is going on. However, they would like Wings of Love to join their plans. Follow us on Twitter: @wingsofloveinc

Wings of Love, Inc. Signs Petition to Support Policies for Women's Empowerment

L OS ANGELES, CA.- Wings of Love, Inc . signed today a petition to the United States Congress, promoted by CARE foundation, requesting legislators to "support policies that help empower women and girls worldwide so they can create a brighter, healthier and more prosperous future for themselves, their families and their communities." The petition was signed by Mr. Roome Hameed, Founder, Honorary President and Administrative Director at Wings of Love, Inc. Wings of Love, Inc. is pleased to share with our friends, sponsors and followers this petition that conmemorates the first century of the International Women's Day. Please, help CARE to get one thousand signatures. Deadline to deliver petition to Congress is March 31, 2011. <<>> Twitter: @wingsofloveinc 

Do you live in California? Please, help little Ronan to save his life!!

Dear friends, Some of you we have had the chance to speak to, most of you we haven't. We are in need of a huge favor and hope that you will help. Our toddler son, Ronan, was diagnosed with aplastic anemia this January. He has a rare form of it and will need a bone marrow transplant. This could save his life. We are holding a bone marrow drive on his third birthday, Saturday March 5th, 2011 at the Lions Center East, Base Line Rd, Rancho Cucamonga, CA from 10 am - 2 pm. We are asking you to please come and be tested to see if you are a match for Ronan. It is not a blood test, just a cheek swab. The age requirements are 18 - 60 years of age. There is no charge to be tested. Please tell as many people as you can. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors with you. Tell your church, groups, organizations. Anyone and everyone you can think of. Post it on Facebook as often as you can. Ask your friends to do the same. We are attaching a flyer for the event that has all o

What is the YoungKidOnTheBlock® Education Fund?

Press Release Wings of Love, Inc.  Follow us on Twitter:  @wingsofloveinc L OS ANGELES, CA.- The  YoungKidOntheBlock® (YKB) Education Fund  developed by Wings of Love, Inc. is an innovative private funding program which seeks to empower middle and low income parents/guardians in the United States of America to endow their children's education with self-generated financial resources in spare time.  The  YoungKidOntheBlock® (YKB)  program seeks to create a chain of good deeds for each and every one of the program's members (sponsors and affiliates).   The  YoungKidOntheBlock® (YKB)  Education Fund is a free and safe method to start-up an education fund for children without tightening family budget to save the money or without getting loans or scholarships. The  YoungKidOntheBlock® (YKB)  strategy is as simple as socializing. It intends to keep the continuity and progress of hundreds of children's education plans, that may be interrupted by unforeseeable and/or unexpected even